That face, that face, that wonderful face.

I love to watch her face change expressions; each look is a prize.

She has the soulful eyes of a deer, the soft temperament of a lamb, the patience and industriousness of a beaver and an excitable eagerness to carry out the ‘hunt’ for which she has been bred for over the centuries.

She is a classic beauty, affectionate, and the perfect sociable pack dog for our family.

She has become a bit of a debater; trying to convince us of many things. However,

even when we are arguing, no rainbow or sunset could light up a room like Daphney’s wonderful face.


  1. She is really SO adorable! Such a lucky dog-mommy! 🙂

  2. OMG – adorable! Did you get out the 50 mm?? I can count whiskers on those exposures! MUY BUENO!

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