White on Rice the Couple ~ Star Party

Hello Friends.  I have a few nice things to share today.

Before we do, cialis I wanted to let you know, sovaldi I’m doing okay.  Losing Grammie has been quite difficult.  Mostly, it has felt as if someone punched my ribs, knocking the wind out.  This feeling comes when I’m alone, left to my own thoughts.  I do find that if I surround myself socially, the sadness lifts. Which brings me to the first nice thing to share.  When Diane and Todd from the White on Rice Couple sent an invite to visit their studio last week, I knew it would be therapeutic.  I met them last year at Zov’s Bistro and was looking forward to spending the evening together.  You see, Food Blogger’s are honest-to-goodness good people.  They feed your soul with everything they do.  Perhaps the universe, or Grammie, let them know my heart needed a big plate of soul food.  On this special night this lovely couple sure delivered.

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I would like to introduce you to Todd and Diane, two of my favorite food bloggers. Take a moment and visit their site.  Go on now, I promise you’ll be delighted.  Want to see a favorite of their work?  They made a video for Jennifer Perillo.   You see, we all made peanut butter pies in memory of Jennifer’s husband who passed away recently {#apieformikey}.   I would be lying if I told you I did not watch their video  5 times a day.  It just helps now.  The food blogging community surrounds me with velvet hugs and butterfly kisses, as quoted from Jaden at Steamy Kitchen.

Now that you have met my friends, let’s take a peek at the lovely night in the White on Rice studio.

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Todd and Diane made these crackers using Star Olive Oil.  Amazing. Recipe please?

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The second nice thing to share with you is:

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Star Olive Oil and Vinegar.

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Everything is a little tastier with Star.   Star Olive Oil attended the evening sharing their authentic Mediterranean offerings.   The focus Star brought to the party was a lifestyle based on classic Mediterranean cuisine.  A lifestyle that enjoys a variety of fresh, healthy foods everyday.  Star with their products, made me want to pick up and move to the Mediterranean in the blink of an eye.  I told DH this when I returned home.  In our retirement, someday, was the answer.

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A bonus third highlight of the night was breaking bread with Shanna, My Favorite Everything and Priscilla, She’s Cookin.  Click on those links friends, trust me, both sites are absolutely terrific.

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Oh. At the end of the night I was tickled to see this pic on Todd and Diane’s wall.  Mama Mary, you are in the middle!  I am to the far right, can you see me? Operation Glory For Evah!

White on Rice, thank you for the love, you fed my soul.

Until we meet again Foodiez,



  1. Loved seeing you sweet friend! It was wonderful to catch up with you 🙂 We really need to visit more often! xxoo
    Shanna ~ My Favorite Everything recent posted..{Me Time} a holy hades moment

  2. Diane and Todd are the best! So glad that coming out to the Star Party and socializing with some of your blogger friends could lift your spirits. It was great seeing you and thanks for the link love 🙂 *hugs*
    Priscilla – She’s Cookin’ recent posted..Quick Peach Crisp

  3. Priscilla xoxo

  4. I love this post! I spent a good half hour weeping watching the peanut butter pie video and reading some of Jennifer’s blog. WOW! Also, can I be invited to one of those parties? I am in one of their pictures after all. : ) xo
    Mama Mary recent posted..duran duran, here i come

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