This recipe is for my Pork loving friends over at Pork Be Inspired who have some rather exciting news to share. Recently the National Pork Board simplified the names of their packaging to assist consumers in understanding the endless ‘steak-like’ possibilities the traditional pork chop beholds. New pork names include: · Porterhouse Pork Chop (Previous […]
Chicken Marsala {Fast Dinner}
There are so many recipes out there for this one. Chicken Marsala. My intention with this post would be to inspire you to find your own culinary Marsala delight that works for your tribe. Why? Because this one saves my booty on countless nights when it comes to preparing a fast dinner. When I need dinner […]
Crock Pot Barbeque Beef Sandwiches Recipe
Tuesday’s and Thursday’s; are heavy calendar days. It’s difficult to find time to make dinner. I want a homemade meal, but sitting on the practice field calls for a bit of help from the ole crock pot. Here was last weeks Thursday’s meal, Crock Pot Barbeque Beef Sandwiches. DH woke each morning looking forward to […]