Dear Photograph, I Love You.

Dear Photograph is a fascinating project where you capture a picture from the past in the present.

Dear Photograph: A site that invites contributions of photos of photos

Taylor Jones began this project just three months ago in May.   Taylor is pictured above at age 5 outside his childhood home.  Taylor’s caption reads, ask “Dear Photograph, prostate I looked good in a tux. @TJ.”  This is how it all began.

I love viewing the photos on his website that people, malady from around the globe, have submitted.  Each photo carries you across time into the present.  It is a fascinating way to sense history along with its human connection that gives the past meaning in our hearts.  The nostalgia becomes palpable with this window.  Captions which people write below each photo anchor this window solidly.  Terrific stuff.

Would you like to see a few of my submissions?  In all honesty this type of photography is not easy.  You hold up your vintage photo and try to align it with the same view it was originally shot in.  I had to rethink where my dad or the photographer was standing or kneeling back in the day.  However,  replaying the memory reels in my mind was a delightful trip down memory lane.  Please enjoy.

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Dear Photograph, Grampa Christmas was different after you were gone. Kat


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Dear Photograph, thanks Daddy for your hard-working hands. Kat


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Dear Photograph, UCLA kickoff parties; indoctrination began early. Kat


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Dear Photograph, this Pilgrim was thankful for Hamms, pat pat. Kat

You can jump down the rabbit hole and view many more submission at

Have a great weekend friends.



  1. I love this. What a creative idea!

  2. Your photos are amazing match ups!. I cannot wait to see you on Dear Photograph. Makes me want to jump in my car and visit my high school town across the way which I NEVER do. Splendid site recommendation and inspiration to connect with your roots!!!!!

  3. I wish I lived closer to where all my vintage photos were taken. I would love to try to match up my past to the present. I love the Dear Photograph link. I DID jump down the rabbit hole with you….

  4. I loved this — and so funny because when I stumbled tonight guess which site came up? <— coinkiydink!

    I am feeling very nostalgic these days too, very cool you can recapture some of those memories.

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