Picture Summer – 30 Days in July

This project encourages, inspires and helps you capture your creative sprit. I truly love it.

So what is Picture Summer?  It’s a class that each day delivers to your  inbox a beautiful and inspiring photo accompanied by a poignant prompt encouraging you to look at life a little differently and then CAPTURE it. I pause each day and feel motivated to use my camera. Here is the round up of week one with the photos I submitted along with a caption describing what the class was requesting. ENJOY.

{Yes, I can hear you, I hope the Beagle Brigade will represent in July too}

SUmmer picture 00003

Day 1 assignment – ‘Here comes the sun’



Day 2 assignment  – ‘Splashy’


Day 3 assignment – ‘Get Centered’

  SUmmer picture 00002 

Day 4 assignment – ‘Summer Time’

fourth of july 353

Day 5 assignment – ‘Tall Drink’


  1. Beautiful!

  2. Lovely, simply lovely. I’m excited for future weekly roundups.

  3. Very nice.

  4. If you love wine, we are definitely soul sisters. Wine and Cheese. My two greatest loves. I mean, my husband is up there too. 🙂

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