The Atlantic Ocean in the Outer Banks of North Carolina welcomed us.
We had an amazing rental home from Joe Banks, only three doors down from our dearly beloved friends. The kids enjoyed three stories, kitchen and laundry room on each floor, heated pool, and for the grand finale – ocean view/access. Can you say vacation hallelujah? So after beachin’ it for 10 days, lets talk about what you really need to know but no one talks about for a relaxed day at the beach.
Food Tenderizer. Yep. This is an easy first aid remedy in case of a jelly-fish sting. Just sprinkle onto the skin that has been stung (be sure you have first removed, with a stick or shell – not your hands – any particles of jellyfish or tentacles). This is a quick way to alleviate the sting. It works very well with bees stings as well. Of course, seek medical attention as soon as possible.
Baby Powder. This works so well at getting stubborn sand off of little and not so little bodies. After swimming at the beach then sorta drying in the sand, sprinkle baby powder onto those sandy parts, don’t be prissy about it – apply mucho, then brush off vigorously. Viola! Now the little’s are ready for a snack and smell like Luv’s Baby Soft. (Thanks Ms. Marisa for the tip in the Newport Beach, California a few years back!)
Anti-Bacterial Wipes. Nuf said
Tissues/Napkins/Paper Towels. These often over looked beach bag items can come in very handy. Sometimes, those emerging from their ocean swim don’t realize their noses are dripping more than water.
Zip Lock Bags. A beach must, the camera is always here.
Mesh bags. To sort and store small items especially shells and toys so they don’t become lost within the cavern of your bag coated in wetness. Oye.
Trash Bag. Clean up after yourself and leave the place as nice as you found it. Mother Nature will smile upon you. Promise. Keep it clean.
We cannot wait to return in the years ahead with more family friends in tow. As for today, the little kiddos simply want to walk outside and be back at their destination from last week. I have had lots of “splain’ to do” with the wee ones. Very difficult since Momma wants to be back there too.
Thank you North Carolina.
These are great tips…never knew the baby powder trick!! We could have so used that food tenderizer last year!!!! Freakin’ Jelly-fish…evil lil MoFo’s!!!!
Great beach tips and really great photos. Can’t wait for my next trip to the beautiful beaches of Cape Cod.
Bruce from Innofresh
useful ^^ thanks
Wish someone had told me the baby powder trick years ago, used to hate getting the sand rubbed off my feet, it was so painful!
Sweet post and good reminders. Glad your family was able to enjoy such a lovely trip.
Be Blessed,
Currie Rose
beautiful photos!
i want that vaca!! sounds relaxing
We have reunions in the outer banks every year since we can remember. It’s the best family vacation ever. Thanks for your thoughtful girl scout list of how to beach it with little ones.
I wish I knew the meat tenderizer trick a few years back; I’ll definitely keep that in mind this week and for the future!
Great tips!
You also have to remember to take an umbrella to the beach. There’s nothing worse than being out on the sand and then getting rained on or sun-burnt.
The Codger
I’ve never heard of using food tenderizer. Interesting…
My husband and I are going to be moving to North Carolina sometime in the near future (his job is transferring him), so I enjoyed seeing your photos of the beaches at the Outer Banks. I’m hoping to talk him into taking a trip there after we get moved and settled in.
What a great post! I also really love the picture you have as your header. Beautiful.
Food tenderizer? That’s a new one. I’m going to try that if I unfortunately stumble upon an angry jelly fish. Thanks for the tips!
Some great tips, especially that baby powder one.
I’ve heard of tenderizer. My sister went to Alaska a few years back and it really worked for the bug bites.
Fantastic succinct post – really good
i’ve gone to NC twice already and loved it both times! going back again in about 40 days but this was a good tip! thanks! i don’t know how anyone can go there and not fall in love with it!
Nice post… Kind of very different in style
Fantastic pictures!
These are amazing pictures and excellent tips. You’re telling me I could have just sprinkled food tenderizer on my leg after I got stung by a jelly fish instead of having a random guy urinate on the injured area?? That is upsetting, but ultimately refreshing news.
Awesome post. I wish I was there.
These are important items to bring to the beach. I love beaches, so I agree that all of these would come in handy. The only one I wasn’t aware of was baby powder. That’s interesting.
these are amazing picture,i have no words to say.I think these picture tell us the story and these picture no need of words to express .really awesome..
We should call you Little BP with all those petroleum based products you’re hitting the beach with.
What a fun post! Thanks for the tips, heading there soon!
yes it is true
What a fun post!
Interesting post
I must admit I was drawn to your blog when I saw the beautiful photo with the beagle. What a sweet face. Thanks for the beach tips – I am going to print them out and keep them in the beach bag… will be following your great blog too.
Wow – I have never heard the food tenderizer or baby powder tricks! Thanks for the tips and for the lovely photos.
Firstly, the photography is amazing!
And secondly, very helpful tips!
Thanks for sharing!
I absolutely love the Outer Banks area of NC! We’ve vacationed there for years.
It’s beautiful & not at all crowded or touristy! Great pictures & great advice! Thanks!
What beautiful photos. Makes me want to go to the beach right now. Guess I have the knowledge against those jelly fish stings.
great tips with nice pics.
I love zip lock bags. Anytime I go to atrip they are always there, it saves you lots of time. For anything. I bet some of these ideas come from Moms, Dads, or Ant Betsy.
And the pictures, I love the color of the water. I always imagine my self (not alone) in North Caroline in the autum…the leaves crushing their tasty colors under my feet. But, is the first time I see this beach painted so beautiful with the help of your camera. All wll done! And I am very glad that you are enjoying nature. Nothing like It!
~Fantastic post!
~Great Love to you,
Mirian from peelingtheorange. “)
Ah, North Carolina beaches. It’s where I discovered beaches and shark’s teeth and my kids first brush with the ocean. Nice post and great pictures. My daughter is on her way to Topsail Beach as I write
wow…great picture
So the days of just a towel and cozzie are over then?
Nice post! I’m glad you included a trash bag on your must have list. It always amazes me that there are people out there who still don’t know how to clean up after themselves!
Vinegar is also a good remedy for stings. I can’t see myself doing the the baby powder thing. I think if you go to the beach then a bit of sand is inevitable, however , each to their own.
Zip lock bags are an excellent idea, I’ll take that one up come the australian summer.
Excellent post!
Hi! What kind of camera do you use? The look and feel of your pictures kinda changes, it’s nice.
What is a food tenderizer? (Hehe, it’s obvious I don’t cook). I got stung by a jellyfish before.
Love these suggestions! I’m going to throw baby powder in my beach bag tonight! However, when you say “meat tenderizer,” I’m picturing one of those big, metal mallet tools. That can’t be right. (?)
Ah! Love the zip locked camera idea! I was just wondering how I could hang out at the beach with my kids without ruining my camera! Glad you are one of the WordPress posts of the day!
Congratulations on being Freshly Pressed!
Thanks for the tips, and the beautiful pictures!!
Hey! Awesome Post and thanks for sharing it with everyone. You Rock!
your friends, XR VOLUME
Nice Picture
Simply BEAUTIFUL……………………
oh, of course they will see this as the food that they had never seen every day but here if you see the course you will say “when are we going to come here again” and of course they will tell you about what they see and how they feel to others . source
Nice picture….
Love those ideas especially the baby powder. Might have to try that one next summer
Everything noted down im ready for my next beach trip… THNX good post
Reminds me of my child hood. I can smell the beach.
hehe cool
nice pics! luv them!!
oh yes
great pictures
This article is so simple. It just makes me smile. I don’t feel to write any long counter comment. …something really neat. Nice. Thanks.
Food tenderizer?? I had no idea!! Thanks for the tip!!
Very nice! Seems like a very enjoyable location!
Um….. 68 comments? talk about a launch into the stratosphere! You rock star you! congrats on being a WP featured blog
that is so COOL! I love the footsteps photos and I think I’d rather sprinkle MT then tinkle on a jellyfish sting – well done!
Great Pics! As well, I never would have thought of food tenderizer for jelly fish stings. We always just used mud:O Now I know for my summer vacation! Thanks!
Lovely photos and some great tips. I always forget something when heading out to the beach.
Thanks for the pictures, they are soooo nice!
Love the photos…disagree about the meat enderizer…while the papains have some effect, on the whole, tenderizer and urine are not very effective…found product called extremely well…very safe to use…mainly menthols and 5% acetic acid…vinegar on steroids…convenient spray bottle…carry it in my surf bag…keep the sunny side up
This is good post, I will keep this in mind. If you add more video and pictures because it helps understanding
good tips! i’ll definitely bring these items on my next beach trip.
the tenderizer does work wonders on mosquito bites, at least for me. been using it for years!