Grammie, see you in December.

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I said “see you December” to her sweet face smiling back at me.  She wished me safe travels back to California.  My heart is breaking and eyes are puffy from ugly crying.  A woman who has shaped my life and existence is resting on an ICU floor a few mile away from her home.  For those of you who know her, it’s my Grammie.  She is the wise, loving, compassionate and gentle soul who taught me much about tenderness and generosity.  Her love and support through out my lifetime have been like none other.

She is going through a difficult stage in the aging process and needs 24 hour care at this time.  Will she be okay?  I don’t know.  I hope so.  I feel her soul wants to stay a bit longer on this little blue marble, but her 98-year-old body is requiring a bit of assistance now.

My trip was short.  Too short.  I wish I had a few more days to comb her hair, tell stories about her great-grandchildren, apply moisturizer on her dry skin, hold her hand, kiss her forehead and sit next to her bedside just to be in the moment with her.

I told her to heal and that I would see her again by December.  I would cook her favorite recipes to fatten her up and we could lie around watching TV all day.  The snow would fall outside as I would rest my head in her lap to giggle and chat about everything and nothing.

“Stick with us Grammie”, I told her.  Heal and get yourself home.   I am not ready to say goodbye.

That is all for now.




  1. Stephanie Helms says

    Kathleen, I read this and shed a tear myself. I took care of your Grammie last week and enjoyed every minute of it. She truly is a wonderful, caring woman. Meeting all of you was testimony to how wonderful a person she is. Take care!

    • Stephanie, thank you so much for your kind words. She is doing better today. We have started preparing homemade chicken soup for her, I hear it’s good for the soul 😉 That clear fluids tray is, as Grammie would say, “for the birds”. Wish you could be her nurse 24/7. xo

  2. Oh Kathleen hugs and prayers to you! It is so hard to watch someone you love go through all that. Take care.

  3. Sending you hugs Kathleen. What a sweet post. Your grandmother sounds like an incredible woman and a wonderful role model. You’ve got a lot to look forward to come December.
    Heather recent posted..Let’s Talk Schedules

  4. Helping a loved one with the last chapters of life is an honor and a blessing that comes with a heavy burden of pain mixed with bittersweet love. We mourn the idea of losing them and revel in the memories of all the wonderful times we’ve shared. I’ve been through what you’re going through now 3x. (((hugs))).
    Terry recent posted..Riding the Waves of Change

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